Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bare bones

Well here I am,just another Sunday. I have chores to do,kids to look after and the list can go on for ever but I won't bore you. I'm going to use this post as an opener to what mostnpostsnwill look like and why I even chose to do this. 7 years ago I gave birth to a handsome young man in the early evening. It was a very scary day and night for so many reasons and being 18 didn't help all that much. Little did I know that I was now in charge of a human life,yes a human! When he needed emergency gets and wasn't fairing to well guess who had to make those choices....ME! Scary! As time went on this tiny boy of 5lbs grew up and grew up fast he did. Before we knew it he was starting school,and that's when we noticed,the change. For the short of it,we found out our brilliant boy had this thing called Aspergers. The reason I call it a "thing" is because that's how we took it when we were first told,we were confused until we did a but of research and found out its a high functions autism. Ahhhh! Made sense. Thought this blog I will also document about my very free spirt daughter.she my hippie. She is 2 grades above her age,she loves to do any and everything girly and can rough and tumble with the boys. Amoung loving my children,and husband,I LOVE to bake. So I will chronicle all my healthy forms of what. It's and sweets. I will also post about our mini farm. Lastly,my husband,who has PKU,is hero. He has been through a lot and works hard. I love learning and tinkering with his food which he is very picky about. I chose not to bee a blogger about being a couponer or a stay at home mom or even just a mom of special needs. I seem to fit in so many and I have so much to offer so I choose to just spill my guts and hope someone can relate!

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